Free and Charitable Clinics are on the frontlines of community health care!
Your tax-deductible donation will help support our efforts as we work to ensure that millions of uninsured and medically underserved people have a voice and have access to affordable, quality health care - especially during this coronavirus pandemic.
2 million people rely on our 1,400 Free & Charitable Clinics and Charitable Pharmacies and their staff and volunteers throughout the country who give back to communities by providing access to health care.
Clinics have submitted over $16 million and counting in requests to the NAFC to support their coronavirus response efforts, including providing patients with needed medications and food, developing telehealth programs to keep connected while social distancing, doing COVID-19 screening and testing, keeping patients healthy and out of the emergency departments...
Please help the NAFC ensure that our underserved neighbors are not forgotten during this difficult time. Supporting Free and Charitable Clinics and Charitable Pharmacies means saving lives - this important work could not happen without you!
Please take a moment to join our movement in saving lives and building healthier communities; support the NAFC, our members and our patients by making a tax-deductible donation today!
To learn more about the various ways you can give to the NAFC, including donating Cryptocurrency, visit: https://www.nafcclinics.org/content/giving.
The NAFC is committed to transparency and accountability. We have received a Platinum Seal of Transparency from Guidestar.
Tax ID: 56-2273242 - The National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics (NAFC) is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics (NAFC) - 1800 Diagonal Road Suite 600 - Alexandria, VA 22314
www.nafcclinics.org - info@nafcclinics.org